Be Kind School

Detailed Information

The Be Kind Break is a free program that offers quick 5-10 minute lessons, videos, and activities that align national academic standards with character education. The lessons focus on one skill of The Be Kind Pledge, which helps students understand how to be encouraging, supportive, positive, helpful, honest, considerate, thankful, responsible, respectful, and a friend in their daily lives. Each month you can expect brand new grade-specific lessons and videos for language arts, math, social studies, and science.

For a limited time you will have access to premium Be Kind School Lessons for March and April! Register below for free access today!

Grade 2 / Year 3, Grade 3 / Year 4, Grade 4 / Year 5, Grade 5 / Year 6, Grade 6 / Year 7, Grade 7 / Year 8, Grade 8 / Year 9
Website/Online tool for Teacher, Website/Online tool for Student, Website/Online tool for Parent
Covid-19 Free