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Whether due to illness, injury, or other extenuating circumstances, students and teachers are sometimes unable to attend class for an extended period of time. In these cases, remote/online learning is a great option to keep learning engaging and to make communication between students, teachers, and parents seamless. Buncee makes remote student learning and communication easy. We spoke with educator and author Rachelle Dene Poth, and here’s what she had to say regarding Buncee and remote learning:

Using a platform like Buncee enables students to work from wherever they are and whenever it is convenient to them, where they are most comfortable, plus they have access to connecting with learners from around the world.

At Buncee, we know that when we work together, we can create an interactive environment where student success can flourish no matter a student’s age, abilities, or location. Our friends in Education Technology, such as Microsoft TeamsFlipgridWakelet, and Google, are just as passionate about supporting remote learning. Here’re some of the ways you can use Buncee together with these other educational tools to support your students, wherever they may be.

Preschool / Nursery, Preschool / Reception, Kindergarten / Year 1, Grade 1 / Year 2, Grade 2 / Year 3, Grade 3 / Year 4, Grade 4 / Year 5, Grade 5 / Year 6, Grade 6 / Year 7, Grade 7 / Year 8, Grade 8 / Year 9, Grade 9 / Year 10, Grade 10 / Year 11, Grade 11 / Year 12, Grade 12 / Year 13, Higher Education
Website/Online tool for Teacher, Website/Online tool for Student, Website/Online tool for Parent, Communication Tool, Other Teacher Tool
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