My World explores our connection to our self, and our ability to use our Character Strengths to take care of ourselves through self-awareness, emotional expression, and mindfulness activities.
Your World explores social connections — sharing Character Strengths to connect with and make an impact on the experiences of others.
Our World explores global connections — sharing Character Strengths with those we may never actually meet, but can make an impact on the experience of.
Who can use the Kind World Explorers resources?
Anyone, as long as you also keep it free! Parents and teachers can use this resource as they choose. Parents can also start a Kind World Explorers club with their own family or gather some friends and set up a regular meeting time for activities. PTSAs, scouting organizations, homeschooling groups, houses of worship, or other parent-led organizations may also find the Kind World Explorers guidebooks to be a good fit to add to their programming. Your Kind World Explorers community is entirely yours to build!
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