Class Time

Detailed Information

As many schools face the challenge and uncertainty of planning for school closures and distance learning scenarios due to the Coronavirus / COVID-19, Classtime actively supports teachers to make home-based learning engaging and effective for students of all ages. Specifically:

– Online webinars for remote onboarding and professional development.

– Case studies and practical advice on how to leverage Classtime for remote learning (in combination with other technologies such as Skype, Google Classroom, etc.)

– Free access to Premium features for individual teachers and schools during the period of school closures due to Coronavirus / COVID-19:

Preschool / Nursery, Preschool / Reception, Kindergarten / Year 1, Grade 1 / Year 2, Grade 2 / Year 3, Grade 3 / Year 4, Grade 4 / Year 5, Grade 5 / Year 6, Grade 6 / Year 7, Grade 7 / Year 8, Grade 8 / Year 9, Grade 9 / Year 10, Grade 10 / Year 11, Grade 11 / Year 12, Grade 12 / Year 13
Website/Online tool for Teacher, Website/Online tool for Student, Printable, Other Teacher Tool
Paid, Covid-19 Free