Getting Started with Virtual Learning
Visit our dedicated Virtual Learning page to find ready-to-use strategies and engaging resources for educators and parents, and browse sessions from VirtCon, our recent 2-day professional learning event. Discover practical, creative, and effective ways to maximize digital resources in a virtual setting and design differentiated virtual learning experiences for students.
Professional Learning & Teaching Strategies On Demand
Discovery Education Experience offers research-based instructional strategies, step-by-step guides, interactive courses and one of the strongest professional networks for educators in the world – all at your convenience and comfort level.
- Research-based teaching strategies are aligned to McREL International’s 6-Phase Model of Learning and embedded for ease-of-use.
- The Professional Learning Center helps you integrate digital more powerfully with a variety of rich teacher resources like step-by-step guides, interactive courses and easy-to-use strategies.
- Trusted by educators for over a decade, the DEN Community offers one of the strongest professional networks for educators in the world.