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FunDza believes that all South Africans should have the opportunity to fall in love with reading with all its benefits. To read for pleasure, and to make it something you want to do every day, you need to LOVE what you’re reading, and you need to access great content, easily.

But it’s not only about reading, its about writing too. So FunDza also provides readers with a space to get published on the network. All the writing submitted this way is marked as ‘Fanz’ work.

Grade 1 / Year 2, Grade 2 / Year 3, Grade 3 / Year 4, Grade 4 / Year 5, Grade 5 / Year 6, Grade 6 / Year 7, Grade 7 / Year 8, Grade 8 / Year 9, Grade 9 / Year 10, Grade 10 / Year 11, Grade 11 / Year 12, Grade 12 / Year 13, Higher Education
Website/Online tool for Teacher, Website/Online tool for Student, Other Teacher Tool
Always Free