My name is Mrs.D. and I am the author of children’s books.
Each book carries a different message, but they all have something in common. It takes the soul, heart, and labor of many people to create one small children’s book. I may be the author of these beautifully made books, but it took “a village of people” to bring them to the reader. I know there are many more people I’ve never met behind each of my books, people who worked so hard and contributed a part of themselves to every page.
What will I tell my little readers when I read them my books. I will tell them that I am enormously thankful to the extraordinary people who put so much effort into every book and made my dreams come true. I will tell my little readers to treat books as their friends, and that when they read these small books, they should look for the smiles of these wonderful people, watching them reading from behind every word, page, and illustration.
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