Periodic Quest

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Periodic Quest is suitable for classrooms, home schools, after school learning activities as well as for family gatherings around kitchen tables to explore the world of Chemistry through group activities, encouraging group discussions. Some of the games in the game set are the following:

Periodic Quest Atomic Rummy Game is a beginner level card game. It is an adaptation of the popular ‘Rummy’ card game to explore chemical elements and their properties and their arrangement of the Periodic Table of Elements.

Periodic Quest Atomic Number Game is a another beginner level card game that introduces players to the world of chemical elements and their properties such as element name, atomic number, element group.

Periodic Quest Go Extract is an adaptation of ‘Go Fish’ card game that introduces players to the world of chemical elements and their properties.

Periodic Quest War Game  is an adaptation of ‘War’ card game that introduces players to the world of chemical elements and their properties.

Periodic Quest Crazy Elements is adaptation of the popular ‘Crazy 8’ card game that introduces players to the world of chemical

Kindergarten / Year 1, Grade 1 / Year 2, Grade 2 / Year 3, Grade 3 / Year 4, Grade 4 / Year 5, Grade 5 / Year 6, Grade 6 / Year 7, Grade 7 / Year 8, Grade 8 / Year 9, Grade 9 / Year 10, Grade 10 / Year 11
Website/Online tool for Student, Website/Online tool for Parent, Non-Digital Activities
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