Ready To Learn 2010-2015 Initiative (PBS KIDS Lab)

Detailed Information

In this Martha Speaks interactive story, learn about how new devices are developed. After inventors come up with an idea to improve life, they need to try it out, make changes as needed, and then work to perfect it. When used as a part of Martha’s True Stories Buddies Program, buddy pairs engage with the interactive story, then talk and create an Inventor’s Workshop to describe their idea for a new invention that will solve an everyday problem. To familiarize yourself with the program, begin by reading the Martha’s True Stories Buddies Program: Overview.

Kindergarten / Year 1, Grade 1 / Year 2, Grade 2 / Year 3, Grade 3 / Year 4, Grade 4 / Year 5, Grade 5 / Year 6
Website/Online tool for Student, No sign up required
Always Free