
Detailed Information

What is #SciStuChat?
It is a online discussion between high school students and scientists, science minded individuals, science writers, and the like.
The goal is to help students better understand the science world and how scientist think through via Twitter.
All high school students and their teachers, admin, and parents are invited.
All ​scientists, science minded individuals, science writers, and the like are invited to join.
The chat is this Tuesday Feb 13th at 8:30 pm Eastern Time.
The chat runs for 30 min with a set of specific questions but side discussions are encouraged. Participates can continue chatting after the official time is out
To participate – run a Twitter search for the hashtag #SciStuChat (capitalization does not matter), Click “latest” to see the most recent tweets. When responding to questions or replying to participants please include the hashtag.

Grade 9 / Year 10, Grade 10 / Year 11, Grade 11 / Year 12, Grade 12 / Year 13, Higher Education
Website/Online tool for Student
Always Free