Stats Tutor

Detailed Information

The StatsTutorteam is a group of people who work in university mathematics support centers, who teach statistics, and who design new media products for learning.

statstutor was developed by staff from  Loughborough and Coventry Universities and also the sigma network (, with contributions from the Royal Statistical Society’s Centre for Statistical Education as well as a number of other colleagues from other HE institutions in the UK. This was part of a pilot project to investigate the potential for the production of different types of learning materials that could be used free of charge by students, lecturers and everyone looking for post-16 statistics help.

There are a variety of different resources – case study videos, video tutorials, teach yourself materials, tests, and quizzes and facts and formulae leaflets. Resources are available on-line and may be printed or downloaded. The number of resources available at the moment is limited, but we hope this will grow in time and we welcome contributions from colleagues in the statistics teaching and learning community. Details of how to contribute resources to the site can be found under the Communities section on the home page.

Grade 10 / Year 11, Grade 11 / Year 12, Grade 12 / Year 13, Higher Education
Website/Online tool for Student
Always Free